How to get to Auriac-de-Bourzac


The "Moulin du Treuil" is located in Dordogne (24) on the D1 in the direction Verteillac


The mill's GPS coordinates are: latitude: 45,38204N, longitude: 0,25895E

Arriving by train to Auriac-de-Bourzac

For reservations, timetables or other information, please call the direct line (available 24h per day) at 3635 (0.34 €/min).
Or visit the SNCF (national train service) web site at

The closest high speed train station (TGV) is at ANGOULEME : 40 km (30 mn).

Airport services near Auriac-de-Bourzac

Please note that this is a simple listing, without a guarantee of national or international flight services. Distances are listed as “as the crow flies” from town centre to town centre. The variation in geography of each community and its size may change the times and distances required
ANGOULÊME - BRIE CHAMPNIERS airport (43 km )   0 h 55
BERGERAC - ROUMANIÈRE  airport (56 km ) 1 h 20
BORDEAUX  - MERIGNAC airport (170 km ) 1 h 55
The icon indicates the direction.

Arriving by car

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