How to get to Auriac-de-Bourzac
The "Moulin du
Treuil" is located in Dordogne (24) on the D1 in the direction Verteillac
The mill's GPS coordinates are: latitude: 45,38204N, longitude: 0,25895E
For reservations, timetables or other information, please call the direct line (available 24h per day) at 3635 (0.34 €/min).
Or visit the SNCF (national train service) web site at
The closest high speed train station (TGV) is at ANGOULEME
ANGOULÊME - BRIE CHAMPNIERS airport | (43 km ) | 0 h 55 |
BERGERAC - ROUMANIÈRE airport | (56 km ) | 1 h 20 |
BORDEAUX - MERIGNAC airport | (170 km ) | 1 h 55 |
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